This article examines the literature on the "Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management" published in several prestigious research journals during the last nine years. This paper seeks to guide further studies in this field, provide an overview of previous research, and identify pertinent research gaps in the subfield of electronic human resource management. The researcher used Scopus data to analyze the research publications for the chosen topic. The papers selected for this article were published within the last nine years (2013–2021). Most of the research papers analyzed found that organizations can benefit from the significance of e-HRM in aspects of cost efficiency and time-efficient both for organizational and individual levels. Furthermore, this technology facilitates corporate operations and improves information and organizational performance. The purpose of this paper is to encourage the cornerstone for future research in this field. Most of those papers addressed the...
Category - Nandrianina Louis Pierre RAKOTOARIZAKA
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia