This scientific study is investigating the economic and success factors of success in negotiation in the world of trade and sale. In addition to the keynotes of the Harvard concept, my study focuses largely on trust and transparency at annual meetings or other meetings held throughout the year, strongly favouring a satisfactory result for both negotiating parties. A conceptual model has been proposed to merge the fundamental principles of the Harvard Negotiation Concept with the finding that trust and transparency in communication is a key factor in terms of economic success experiences and socio - mental satisfaction.
Category - Alexander STELZER
Institute for Global and Future Markets, Innsbruck, Austria
University of Latvia
This scientific study focuses on the economic and especially the psychosocial factors of success in negotiation processes between buyers (procurers) and suppliers (producers) in the food trade. In particular, it examines the economic and mental satisfaction in the decision-making and in the negotiation processes for efficient food supply. It studies primarily transparency in addition to the Harvard concept at annual meetings (or during the year) favoring a satisfactory result for both negotiators. In a structural equation model, the Harvard negotiating points are brought together with transparency in communication, in terms of successful economic experiences and socio-mental satisfaction.
Organizational theory and organizational research (namely, organizational behavior), have the purpose of organizations – to explain and understand – their origin, their existence and their functioning. Therefore, I try in my work, different approaches to take up. To this end, I chose different books and articles to explain and expand the knowledge on this subject.