The global effort to tackle environmental issues has garnered international momentum However, large firms have received far more attention than Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Meanwhile, MSMEs have a substantial cumulative effect on the environment Microfinance institutions provide financial and non-financial services to MSMEs, and it is considered that microfinance institutions can help MSMEs transition towards adopting environmentally friendly practices. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore the perceived contribution of green microfinance to influencing MSMEs to implement green activities. Specifically, the study reviewed literature on the effect of green microfinance on the environmental performance of MSMEs Employing a critical review methodology, this study analyzed green microfinance literature from diverse online library databases including Elsevier, Google Scholar, PROQUEST, EMERALD, Science Direct, Research Gate, IEEE, and JSTOR. This study found that...
Category - Rajendra RAJARAM
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa