In Indonesia, the life insurance industry has experienced a positive growth in the 2015-2019 timeframe, although there were certain incidents in which several insurance companies had experienced several failures, including the large-scale national companies. This research was conducted to analyze the effect of solvability, liquidity, risk level, investment adequacy, and equity, either partially or simultaneously on financial distress in life insurance companies in Indonesia. In addition, this study was conducted to analyze the risk level as a moderating variable for the relationship among solvability, liquidity, investment adequacy, equity, and financial distress. The research was carried out by using the data in life insurance company industry in Indonesia which was registered into the Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority in 2015 – 2019, while the used data analysis technique was Panel Data Regression. The results showed that the independent variables namely: solvability...
Category - Trisnawati TASWIN
Gunadarma University, Indonesia