Modeling Employee Satisfaction in Relation to CSR Practices and Attraction and Retention of Top Talent

In today’s economy, companies must work harder than ever to attract, retain and motivate talented employees in order to foster employee satisfaction, and in order to do so, CSR practices can provide a strategic tool. A green company no longer denotes solely the promotion of green products or reduction of energy consumption, as it has to incorporate proactive and innovative means of tracking sustainability while involving employees in such corporate behavior. This paper highlights an empirical study of responses from 10 multinational companies regarding their corporate social responsibility initiatives as a way to attract and retain good employees, while providing an appropriate environment for employee satisfaction, by constructing a structural equation model meant to expand HR literature and provide direct implications for organizations.
JEL Classification M31
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© 2013 The Authors. Published by Sprint Investify. ISSN 2359-7712. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License
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Simona Vinerean, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
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Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Iuliana CETINA
Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu